Alaric Ong
How we get appointments at $20 to $30 each.
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Hi, My mentor Alaric Ong is a million-dollar funnel builder with a proven track record of generating leads, appointments, and sales automatically. He has driven millions of dollars in revenue through his own funnels. Our strategy allows us to achieve a cost per lead of $3 to $10 in competitive markets and $20 to $30 per appointment. The key to our success is running thousands of variations of ads, preventing ad fatigue and reducing costs. Most marketers run only a few ads, causing them to quickly lose effectiveness. We use AI to split test and optimize our ads, ensuring we spend more on successful ads and less on underperforming ones. This approach results in leads costing $10 each and appointments costing $30 in Singapore. In Malaysia, we achieve appointments at RM 9.94 (SGD $3). In USA, $20 per appointment If you’re interested in learning more, visit https://funnel.alaric.ai. Best, Alaric WhatsApp: https://wa.link/z7f073 Email: alaricong123@gmail.com 1000+ Client results: http://alaric.site/wins Hundreds of Testimonials: https://alaricong.com/p/testimonials.html Join our WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ln6E1UBammC6MOzcXhXYlN